Wednesday, October 13, 2010

What is feedburner

Segment 1: Getting Started With FeedBurner

So you have a blog or podcast and want to check out using Feedburner. This segment will walk you through where to start and what will you see.

Segment 2: Analyze Your Feed Using FeedBurner: Part I

To ensure your feed displays correctly and so you can manage traffic spikes, first you need to burn your feed, then Feedburner provides tracking and monitor usage patterns, trends, etc. Everything you need to understand the numbers.

Segment 3: Analyze Your Feed Using FeedBurner: Part II

Continuing discussion from Segment 2

Segment 4: Let FeedBurner Optimize Your Feed For You

So you've got a blog or podcast, now what? Creating awareness for your feed isn't always as easy. Feedburner has some great tools that will help you dress up your feed for optimal awareness.

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